Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Getting to a doctor in Antwerp

Antwerp is super-convenient and affordable if you want a doctor. Everyone has health insurance (it's legally mandated, it's like 30 euros a month for the family...and it reimburses basically everything.) Also, doctor's visits are, before the insurance reimbursement, about 35 euros a visit, so there is really no excuse not to go.

Also, all children get all their vaccinations free AND can see a weekly doctor for free if you stop by your district's "kinderhuis" (children's house) during its weekly free-doctor hours. (That's not what they are called but that is what I called them.) 

If you need a doctor in Antwerp during the evening or during a holiday or weekend, go here. This beautiful site will use your postcode to pinpoint the closest open doctor's office. Doctors and pharmacies take turns being available for emergencies in their local district. Neat, huh? Oh, and doctors, like everyone else in Belgium, get five weeks holiday a year and work pretty much a 9 to 5 day most days. Again, neat, huh? American doctors...not so lucky....

To find an open pharmacy near you at any time, go here.
Even after hours, a pharmacy and a medical office are always in walking distance....

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