Thursday, November 23, 2017

Flemish tend to minimise a lot - the famous "je"

Flemish is often described to me as a softer form of Dutch.

In Antwerp, they also speak as though everything is smaller as well by adding in a "je" (yah) at the end of each word.

Some examples:
  • een beetje - een beetyah - a little bit
  • een doosje - een doosyah  - a little box (It was the size of my torso...)
  • een briefje - een briefyah - a little note (Isn't little note slightly redundant?)
They add "je" to names as well, calling children "Little so-and-so" in moments of tenderness. 

I've found myself doing it too, in Flemish and in English.  It does soften the conversation quite nicely...

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