Monday, February 12, 2018

The pronunciation app for Dutch - no, for Flemish | Learn to pronounce words in Flemish by yourself

Antwerp is here to help you learn Dutch - wait, no, to learn Flemish.

Specifically, Antwerp would like you to learn the Antwerp dialect of Flemish.  If you don't have the Antwerp accent, you aren't from Antwerp, and they will tacitly judge you for your poor luck. 

To help, the tech-savvy city has provided you with a free application.

In my required Dutch Flemish classes, the visiting speech therapist ensured that all the students downloaded the app from Google Play or the iPhone store. She then took us through a few exercises on the application. There is no excuse, she was clear, for not using this app on a pretty much daily basis until we could appropriately function in proper Flemish society.

Basically, I have no reason to mispronounce words in Flemish (save my own treacherous tongue...)

The Antwerp app is Uitsprekend: Speak Out.

Find it on Google's Play Store if you are a Google user like me. It is also available for iPhones.

Tuesday, February 6, 2018


The sign for the street where I take Flemish classes has changed subtly...

Summer Sundays for kids at Antwerp's Photo Museum | Zomerse Zondagen

My four-year-old, my four-month-old, and I did Zomerse Zondagen ("Summer Sundays") several times at the Antwerpen Fotomuseum and ...